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The days when Apple "lay down" to make money may be gone forever

On Wednesday, local time, three cross-party members of the U.S. Senate officially announced the "open App Market Act", which aims to reshape the online app store market dominated by Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL).

What is an IRA (Individual Retirement account)?

Maybe you've ever wanted to open an IRA account, but you're confused about the tax terms. This article is intended for investors who plan to save their retirement with an IRA or want to know what an IRA is. As long as you can read this IRA article patiently, you'll be surprised to find that the IRA isn't that complicated.

The Fed’s “hawkish” stance has gradually become clear, and these three stocks may continue to outperform the market

The last Federal Reserve open Market Committee (FOMC) monetary policy meeting in 2021 ended early on Thursday morning.

Cyber Security main problem

The Internet is an open and uncontrolled network. Hackers often invade the computer systems in the network, or steal confidential data and embezzle privileges, or destroy important data, or make the system functions inadequate or even paralyzed.

Penalty to Unclaimed Pension

​Did you know that after 70 and a half years old, you may be fined for not claiming the full amount of savings from your 401k plan and individual retirement account (IRA) each year?

All About Auto Loan You Should Know(3)

In October 2003, the China Banking Regulatory Commission published the Measures for the Administration of Automotive Financial Institutions and the Regulations on the Administration of Automotive Finance Companies in November, in accordance with China's commitment to open up the auto consumer credit market.

Before the minutes of the Fed meeting, the U.S. Treasury yields plummeted and there was a hidden conspiracy?

At 02:00 on Thursday morning, the United States will announce the minutes of the June Federal open Market Committee meeting, and the entire market waits with bated breath. The Fed discussed reducing asset purchases last month, and the Fed began to turn hawkish,